Habitat for Humanity Japan
Bloomberg Volunteer Session
on June 21, Friday
ハビタット・ジャパン のボランティア活動にご参加いただき、ありがとうございます。
Thank you for participating in Habitat Japan’s Volunteer Session.
ご参加にあたり全てのボランティアの皆様には、6月 17日(月)までにこのページ下の参加登録フォームへご記入ください。
We kindly request all participants to sign up using the Google Forms at the end of the page by June 17 (Monday).
Googleフォームでは、ボランティア参加規約の内容をご確認いただきますようお願いいたします。またハビタット・ジャパンでは活動に参加される全ての皆様が、安全に活動に参加できるよう、セーフガーディングの取組みを実施しています。セーフガーディングのご案内についてもgoogle フォームに記載されておりますので必ずお読みください。
In addition to insurance registration via Google Forms, please also confirm the contents of the “Written Oath” and “Release and Waiver of Liability” for Domestic Volunteer Program”. Moreover, for all participants to safely engage in our volunteer sessions, Habitat Japan makes sure to follow proper safeguarding measures and code of conduct. The Google Forms also provides links to access such information, so we request all participants to read them carefully and confirm the content.
Details of Volunteer Session
【集合日時】Meeting time:
Friday, June 21, 13:30 pm
【活動場所】Meeting place :
The Elizabeth Saunders Home is a children's home founded after the end of World War II, which currently houses approximately 70 children aged 2 to 18.
【活動内容】Activity details:
Assembling the furniture to be installed in a renovated boys' dormitory.
汚れてもいい 動きやすい服装
Please wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty
【持ち物】What to bring
・Face towel(s)
・Drinks/snacks (Habitat will provide water and snacks, but please bring your own if needed)
・A small carrying bag to keep your valuables on your person while working
・A change of clothes
13:30 集合、オリエンテーション・自己紹介
13:45 ボランティア活動開始
14:45 休憩
15:00 ボランティア活動の再開
16:00 活動終了、あと片付け
16:15 振り返り&集合写真撮影
16:30 までに活動終了
13:30 Orientation・Self-introduction
13:45 Start volunteer activities
14:45 Break
15:00 Resume volunteer activities
16:00 End of activities
16:15 Review & group photo
16:30 End of activities
Items to bring:
- Towels
- Drinking water/snacks (To prevent infectious diseases, we will not have a lunch break. Please bring snacks as appropriate.)
- A small carrying bag to keep your valuables with you during the activity
ボランティア参加登録 / Volunteer Registration
Please fill out the following form by June 17 (Monday) to register for the volunteering session and to be covered by our insurance.
Fields marked with an *asterisk are required.