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【Haiyan Relief-4】Construction of shelters began

Donate for the Philippines!
HabitatPhilippines20131204 (3).jpgOn 23 November 2013, Habitat for Humanity Philippines reached out to 302 families of Guiuian, Eastern Samar and distributed Shelter Repair Kits (SRK) to them. The SRKs consist of the following items:

8 sheets Marine plywood (1/4" x 4 x )
10 pcs Coco Lumber (2 x 3 10')
12 sheets GI Corrugated Sheets (12' g.26)
2 pcs GI plain sheet (3 x 8' g.26)
3 kilos Umbrella Nails (2 ?")
3 kilos Common Wire (3")
1 pc Hammer
1 pc Hand Sew
HabitatPhilippines20131204 (5).jpgHabitatPhilippines20131204 (1).jpgHabitatPhilippines20131204 (6).jpgHabitatPhilippines20131204 (9).jpg
Families who received SRK started to repair their houses using the materials contained in the kits as well as the materials recovered from broken houses. Mr. Abulancia smiled for camera in front of his newly made house in Barangay Sapao, Guiuan, Eastern Samar. He received his SRK and in three days, it is nearly completed now!
-Donate for the Philippines! Thank you for your support.

Account Number: 00100-2-278431
Account Holder: HFH Japan
*Please leave your name, address and "Haiyan Relief" to inform us that your support should go to Typhoon Haiyan.

Bank Name: Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, Shinjuku-Nishi Branch Office
Account Number: 0155578 (Savings)
Account Holder: トクヒ) ハビタット フォー ヒューマニティ ジャパン

* Once the transfer is completed, please notify us that your donation funds are meant for Haiyan Relief with your name and contact information.
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2013.11.27 【Haiyan Relief-3】Home partner: Flora's family, Botongo Island
2013.11.20 【Haiyan Relief-2】Leyte Island, a former HFHJ volunteer site
2013.11.12 【Haiyan Relief-1】HFH launches appeal to assist those affected by Typhoon Haiyan

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