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[Indonesia-3] Habitat's Quake Relief Starts Building Houses

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia has received a shot in the arm through funding commitments for its post-earthquake reconstruction efforts in West Sumatra and West Java. To date, HFH Indonesia has more than US$930,000 of commitments for West Sumatra while its program in West Java has garnered more than US$450,000.

In West Sumatra, eight houses are under construction and eight have been completed. Progress has been slowed due to rains. Deliveries of construction materials are hampered by roads partially blocked by debris from landslides. Nonetheless, HFH Indonesia is pressing on with partners and volunteers lending much welcome support. Volunteers from Christian Aid Ministries have begun to work alongside Habitat families and skilled workers to build houses.

On 30th September 2009, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake tore the Indonesian city of Padang in West Sumatra. More than 1,100 were reportedly killed while government data indicated that over 200,000 houses were either severely or moderately damaged.

Under the reconstruction program in West Java, two houses have been completed while another 26 houses are currently under construction. HFH Indonesia plans to rebuild 1,000 homes and five schools in response to a 7.3-magnitude earthquake which rocked Tasikmalaya district, West Java, on 2nd September, 2009. More than 67,000 houses were estimated to be destroyed while many thousands were damaged.

Habitat Japan closed a donation application to the Indonesia earthquake relief at the end of February. Thank you very much for your kind support.

Donations(Final): 219,863 JPY from 2009/10/3 to 2010/2/28

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2009.12.26 Habitat to Move into Repairing & Rebuilding Phase
2009.10.07 Habitat to Raise Funds for Indonesia Quake Reliefs

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