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[Indonesia-2] Habitat to Move into Repairing & Rebuilding Phase


7.6-magnitude earthquake hit the Indonesian city of Padang in West Sumatra on 30th September. Some 1,117 people were reported killed. The earthquake devastated the provincial capi-
tal of Padang. Over 200,000 houses were reported to have been severely or moderately damaged.

Habitat for Humanity?s program to rebuild after the September earthquake in West Sumatra was officially launched at V Koto Timu village, Padang Pariaman sub-district, at the end of November.

Habitat Indonesia?s staff members are working with the community?s construction committee to help rebuild homes for 200 of the most vulnerable families. Construction has begun on the first 10 houses in the Kodo Ganting community, about 120 km from the city of Padang.

For Sumatra, the initial plan is to construct 100 quake-resistant core houses. The design is for an 18 sq. m. quake resilient core house that can be expanded using salvaged materials(on the right). HFH Indonesia successfully used this design in rebuilding after an earlier earthquake in Yogyakarta, and it is being used in the post-earthquake rebuilding program in West Java. HFH Indonesia has also received funding for the construction of a school building.

The government Department of Public Works has approved the house design and site. The department indicated a strong interest to work alongside with Habitat in other communities should

Currently, Habitat Indonesia program envisages raising more than US$6.5 million to build 2,500 core houses. The funds would also assist 1,000 families, through a cash-for-work component to clear debris, and the provision of toolkits. The plan includes the establishment of community water points. Significantly more funding is needed, as current funding will help build slightly more than 100 core houses.

The 7.3 magnitude earthquake left at least 81 people dead and displaced over 210,000 people on 2nd September. About 100,000 homes, 3,000 schools and 500 office buildings were damaged, according to figures by the National Agency for Disaster Management. The Indonesian government is allocating US$150 million for reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia has hosted its very first team of Global Village volunteers to help with its earthquake rebuilding program in West Java. The team of students and their adult leader from Singapore reported that they had a good experience.

Habitat plans to build 1,000 earthquake-resistant "core houses" with latrine and schools in one year. Currently, 10 houses are under construction.

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2009.10.07 Habitat to Raise Funds for Indonesia Quake Reliefs

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