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Habitat to Raise Funds for Indonesia Quake Reliefs

Habitat for Humanity is launching an appeal campaign to raise funds for the first-phase of a long-term and sustained effort to rebuild homes and lives following the recent earthquake in West Java and Sumatra, Indonesia.

In West Java, the goal of the first phase is to support 1,000 families in Pangalengan to rebuild homes and schools and, through mitigation programs, to protect their lives and property against future catastrophes. It will also invest in the capacity to assist thousands more through partnerships with local authorities and other non-governmental organizations.

In Sumatra, Habitat for Humanity aims to raise an initial US$ 1.4 million for the first phase of its response to the devastating earthquake that shook Padang last month. The funds are slated to go towards assisting 1,000 families with houses repairs and rehabilitations, access to clean water and the distribution of kits containing basic carpentry tools to use in the clean-up and later for rebuilding. The response would also involve a cash-for-work component to clear debris. This first phase is expected to take up to three months.

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