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Closed: Asian Rural Institute (ARI) is Offering Golden Week Programs!

As of April 24th:ARI has closed the registration for this GW program.
Thank you for your interests and application!

Do you already have a plan for Golden Week (GW)?

Some of you have joined Habitat’s Global Village Program (GV). But if you have no plans for GW, consider experiencing an organic life style in the great outdoors of Tochigi Prefecture.

We invite you to a work camp provided by our partner organization Asian Rural Institute (ARI). This work camp will offer you a chance to meet ARI students from all over the world, ARI staff, and other volunteers. It will be a great opportunity to learn about the world, food, the environment, and living together in harmony!

The part two project, Forest Work Camp @ Bato-Machi (May 4 thru May 6, 2009) will be especially exciting. Habitat for Humanity has a similar project in which we build and repair houses by recycling cut trees. By participating in this ARI project, Habitat volunteers can take part in the same kind of experience that our Global Village Program (GV) offers.

About ARI’s Partnerships:
In November 2008, Habitat for Humanity and ARI took part in Citigroup’s “Global Community Day 2008”. Please click on the following link to see the pictures of volunteers repairing the ARI’s facilities. Citi group and Habitat Japan Habitat’s Campus Chapters and Campus Clubs (organized by students) regularly participate in ARI’s domestic camp activity programs.

ARI Golden Week Camp Programs:

Part 1: May 2 thru May 4, 2009
ARI English Seminar: “What is Life of Human Beings and Environment?”
Facilitators: Mr. Ardhendu Chatterjee (India, Graduated from ARI in 1979) and others.

Part 2: May 4 thru May 6, 2009
“Forest Work Camp @ Bato-Machi”
We are going to thin trees in the ARI’s forest in Bato-Machi with the ARI students. The cut trees will be used to repair the agriculture training building and build the main building for ARI.

Part 1 or Part 2: 20,000 yen
Part 1 and Part 2: 35,000 yen



【Translated by:Yukari Williams(Amelia Network Co.,Ltd.)】


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