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Charity Buffet Dinner on April 27 (Apply by April 22!)

Meet & Learn 80 NGOs + Dinner + Charity !!

Since Japan’s Cabinets agreed on “Teigaku ?Kyufu-Kin” (Supplementary Income Payments), Habitat for Humanity Japan and other 79 NGOs in Japan have founded a foundation for Teigaku-Kyufu-Kin on March 18, 2009.

This contribution will be collected till June 30th, and will be paid to each NGOs to support their activities. And we are very happy to announce that we will hold a charity dinner on April 27th.
This is open for everyone! If you are interested meet and learn NGOs, please apply before April 22 via email!

When: Monday 27, April 18:00?21:00
Fee: 3,000yen *
Where: Floracion Aoyama
4-17-58 Minami Aoyama
Minatoku, Tokyo
6 min walk from A4 exit at Omotesando sta.

*This Entrance fee will be contributed to Habitat for Humanity Japan and other 79 NGOs to support their activities.

How to Apply:
Please send an email include the following:
Message subject line: Charity Dinner April 27
- Your name
- Your Phone Number

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