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Habitat's Response to Myanmar Cyclone NARGIS

A huge cyclone NARGIS attacked southern part of Myanmar in May 2nd, 2008. This catastrophe result in a great deal of serious damage to Myanmar.

Severely Affected Population 2,400,000
Displaced 800,000
Dead 85,000
Missing 54,000
Injured 20,000          (As of 11 May 2008 by UNOCHA)

Habitat is assembling a technical team to partner with other organizations in support of long-term shelter reconstruction efforts for those affected by Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, which left nearly 1 million people homeless.

Although Habitat has no presence in Myanmar, Habitat has played a major role in rebuilding efforts following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and will bring its considerable experience in rebuilding permanent housing following disasters to the work in Myanmar.

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