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Volunteer Tour:9days in Thailand!!

Join us as a construction volunteer for Habitat for Humanity this summer!
We are now recruiting volunteers for the project in Udon Thani, an agricultural city in northeastern Thailand.

9days filled with volunteer work along side the local people and inter-cultural experiences, it will make your summer unforgattable for a life time!

Itinerary : August 25th, Saturday: Departure from Japan
September 2nd, Sunday: Return to Japan
* 3 to 4 days of building activities are scheduled.

Building Site :Udon Thani Province, Thailand
(Apprx.550km northeast of Bangkok)

Price: JPY 198,000
student: JPY 188,000

A Japanese intern at HFH Thailand will be hosting you there along with the local staff.

Day Date Place Schedure
1 Aug.25th,Sat. Narita AM, Fly to Bangkok
Bangkok Transit to Udon Thani
Udon Thani PM. Check-in at home

2 Aug.26th,Sun. Udon Thani AM. Visit a local church
Sarneli House(AIDS NGO)
PM. Border with Laos(TBD)

3 Aug.27th,Mon. Udon Thani All day WORK! FUN!
Night Welcome dinner with Homeowener

4 Aug.28th,Tue. Udon Thani All day WORK! FUN!!

5 Aug.29th,Wed. Udon Thani AM. Rest(TBD)
PM. Visit a local school.

6 Aug..30th,Thu. Udon Thani All day WORK! FUN!!

7 Aug.31th,Fri. Udon Thani All day WORK! FUN!!
Night Farewell Party

8 Sep.1st,Sat. Udon Thani AM. Visit Orchid Farm(TBD)
Bangkok PM. Fly to Bangkok and to Narita

9 Sep.2nd,Sun. Narita AM. HOME SWEET HOME!!

*Stay at Udon Thani through Aug,25th to Sep,1st
*Meals: 7 breackfasts, 7 lunch, 5 dinners
*Airline Thai Airline
*Minimum team size: 10
*Hotel: Karin hotel or another same class hotel
*Please note that the rooms would be shared with others. please understand with pleasure before.

Click to learn more about the Global Village Program, as well.

Please feel free to contact up for more information:
Habitat for Humanity Japan
E-mail: info@habitatjp.org
Tel: 03-5330-5571
Fax: 03-5330-5572
Attn: Megumi Nishijima (Ms.)

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