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[Haiti-3] Establishing Habitat Resource Centers

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Damage from the 1.12 earthquake and strong aftershocks is exacerbating the poverty faced by more than 80 percent of Haitians, 55 percent of whom live on less than US$1 a day.
In the past two years, political instability, food shortages, and tropical storms and Hurricanes Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike have made it even more difficult for Haitians to break the
cycle of poverty. More than 50,000 homes were damaged or destroyed in last year's storms.

So Habitat has begun to respond and will be there after relief efforts have faded and long-term recovery work begins. Based on what is known now and Habitat's past experience with
international disasters, our early response to the earthquake is expected to be threefold:
1) mobilizing people to clear the way for shelter construction and home rehabilitation;
2) distributing building materials and tools in shelter kits;
3) construction of transitional housing.  >>More details

Establishing/Strengthening Habitat Resource Centers
Habitat plans to implement its Haitian recovery project through a number of Habitat Resource Centers (HRCs). These centers?utilized extensively and successfully in response to the Asian tsunami?support housing development and improvements, identifying gaps in the local supply of housing materials, designs, finance and skills, and addressing them in ways that support local livelihoods. Components may include training in construction skills, support to small enterprises, loan of tools or heavy equipment, and training to families in financial literacy and disaster-resistant home design. Through the centers, Habitat partners with local businesses, community-based organizations, governments and other international NGOs to further economic recovery and to help low-income families rebuild. The centers are contextualized to specific local needs, so no one center functions exactly like another.

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2010.01.21 Habitat's Response to Haiti Quake Relief
2010.01.14 Habitat Japan to Raise Funds for Haiti Quake Reliefs

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