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The meeting of Travelers with a Purpose in July (July 7th)

What's TWP?
Habitat for Humanity Japan (HFHJ)'s Travelers with a Purpose (TWP) is a forum for people interested in travel and making a difference in the world to meet, socialize, and learn from each other. Each meeting focuses on a different theme related to travel, housing, and volunteerism. Meetings also provide opportunities for attendees to learn about upcoming HFHJ global house-building trips. The group meets the first Tuesday of every month and is open to everyone. Entrance is free. We look forward to seeing you there!

At Ben's Cafe 7th July 2009; Rits Habitat in TWP!!!
「Rits Habitat」, one of student-run Habitat organizations that is officially recognized by HFH Japan reported about their GV trip to Indonesia in this spring with receiving Dow Chemical Cooperation Grant, as well as their domestic activities in Kansai-area.


More than 40 people attended the meeting, included students of Kanto area and Kansai area, and also the graduate of Rits Habitat, and more...

According to their report, they especially applied themselves to the activity after the Global Village program (GV). They had 3 ways of approach to introduce about Habitat activities . (How -> Where)
? presentation → Students
Regardless of after or before GV, they had presentations for the other students.
? leaflet/poster → Local Citizen
They had leaflet/poster they made installed in their local youth center.
? newspaper → Society ※newspaper articles
Before GV, they released their GV information to the leading media of japan.
After GV, some reporters asked for an interview with them.

Mr. Yoshikawa who was one of the members of Rits Habitat said; "Our enthusiasm was supported by many people and who had supported our fund-raising and activities." Finally, he closed his presentation by his encouraging remark; "The more brothers are there, the more meaningful volunteer activities become. This is the GLOBAL VILLAGE !!!"

Thank you again, RITS HABITAT!!!
People (including Kanto CC student members) were freshly stimulated by his enthusiastic report of GV and Habitat. Why don't you join us too? Those who couldn't come, we are looking forward to seeing you at next TWP!

【Next TWP meeting】TWP will be closed in August.
Next TWP meeting information will be announced soon...

Have a nice summer vacation!!!

Check it out!
Dow Chemical Scholarship GV presentation II (July 1st)

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