Unsanitary toilets are causing people many problems.

~In India, half of the population is practicing “open defecation”.~

600,000 people, almost half of the population, are toileting in open space such as in fields or roadsides. There are many young children who avoid going to school because they are uncomfortable with unsanitary toilets with no privacy.

~Unsanitary toilets are taking children’s lives.~

In India, 1,600 children lose their lives due to diarrhea. One reason is that excrement with disease-causing germs cannot be treated properly by unsanitary toilets and causes the drinking water sources and farm products contaminated.

Reason women fears open defecation~

In India 30% of women have experienced physical violence and open defecation is one of the causes. Walking long distance and defecating in open space, women are exposed to a risk of being attacked.

Target: Build and install 200,000 toiletsみんなにトイレをプロジェクト

In partnership with LIXIL’s “Toilets for All” project, we aim to install 200,000 SATO toilets in India.

LIXL donates SATO toilets to Habitat

Our partner corporation LIXIL donates SATO toilets, developed as simple and affordable safe toilets suitable for use in low-income communities, as part of “Toilets for All” project.

Habitat installs toilets in India

Habitat will build the toilet units and install SATO toilets in India. Our goal is to install as many as 200,000 toilets.

– Home toilets

– Community toilets

– Fostering behavioral change

– Sanitation training at schools

Your donation to Habitat

Installing toilets costs about 50,000 JPY per unit.

Your kind donation will be greatly appreciated.

Donate here:

Will reach India and more

Through Habitat’s work, your kindness will reach children, women and everyone in India who are in need of sanitary toilets.


Habitat for Humanity Japan support Sustainable Development Goals.